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Eurovision Song Contest 2021

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Excuse my super excited mood for updating this non-essential news here
But since this is my page, so I just want to share things that makes me happy and excited
C'est la vie!

Alhamdulillah, berakhirlah sudah Eurovision Song Contest 2021 yang berlangsung di Rotterdam, Netherlands pada Ahad lepas (23 Mei)
Well, walaupun aku bukanlah warga Eropah tapi tak apalah kan aku support industri muzik dorang
If you guys are interested to watch the whole grand final show, do watch it 
Almost 4 hours but it'll worth it
Or maybe you can skip some country, you know what I mean
Spoiler alert, I'll reveal the winner if you continue reading 
Don't say I didn't warn you :P

Eurovision Song Contest 2021 Grand Final

Actually, I'm kinda disappointed because some of my favourites didn't make it till the grand final
Like Amnesia from Romania was one of my fav

Amnesia by Roxen (Romania)

Maybe her live performance wasn't that great
And she didn't get enough votes to make it through to the final
Okay, moving on

My other favourite song was Voila by Barbara Pravi from France
This one made it to the final 
And kinda gave me hope for winning the competition
It was tough to compete with my other favourite song from Switzerland 

Voila by Barbara Pravi (France)

Her live performance was great, I must say
Even without some fancy clothes on her or any acrobatic dancers or fancy backlight 
She is enough by herself

Okay next up, my other favourite
From Switzerland, we have Gjon's Tears with his song Tout l'Univers

Tout l'Univers by Gjon's Tears (Switzerland)

Banyak je lagi lagu lain yang aku suka
Tapi lagu dorang macam basic sangat 
Yang aku perasan, kebanyakan lagu yang join contest ni bergenre sama
Tak pop, mesti ballad
Ada je yang gila sikit bawak masuk lagu rock macam Finland 
Tapi lirik dorang tak cukup kuat, bagi akulah kan
Agak repetitive dan live performance dorang pun agak lemau
Ni aku selitkan muzik video kalau nak dengarlah

Dark Side by Blind Channel (Finland)

Finland, Italy, Ukraine je lah kut yang gila sikit bawak genre yang lain dari yang lain
Masa reveal public voting, fuhh memang kaw-kaw lah dorang naik
Switzerland yang dah dapat banyak markah dari undian juri tiba-tiba boleh jatuh 
Lagu gila dari Ukraine pun boleh tahan jugak
Gila tak layan hahahaha

Shum by Go_A (Ukraine)

Ni kalau buat alarm pagi-pagi ni memang bikin otak tingtong
Banyak kali dengar dah macam bunyi ayam berkokok pun ada 
Hahahaha harap tak adalah orang Ukraine yang baca benda ni
I loved this song and it was different from the others

Baiklah, beralih kepada pemenang ESC 2021 ni
Tak lain dan tak bukan adalah Itali! 
Dengan lagunya yang bertemakan rock-and-roll, kinda punk-rock pun ada jugak
They got the highest public votes compared to the others 
318 votes from public and that votes helped them wins Eurovision Song Contest 2021

Zitti e buoni by MÃ¥neskin (Italy)

Live performance dorang pun tak menghampakan
Gila pun gila, but it worth it
Although ada false claims about David Damiano (lead vocal) with cocaine
Good thing is, that was not true
Tapi aku wonder jugak, kalau betul, maksudnya France lah menang, kan?

Tapi tak apalah kalau Barbara Pravi tak menang pun
Dia dah dapat Artistic Award and Press Award dah pun 
Lagu dia pun aku rasa boleh letups lepas ni
Macam lagu Arcade tu lah
Duncan Laurence kan bertanding dalam ESC 2019 dan menang dengan lagunya, Arcade
Sampai sekarang lagu tu masih berputar di radio

Oh ya, masa aku tengok the whole show
I was kinda starstruck at minute 3:03:13
Damn son, that guy was so fine 
Hahahahahaha mungkin tipikal lelaki dekat sana
Tapi well, at least he's that good looking lah jugak pada mata aku
So here's that guy

Aku punyalah rewind berkali-kali sebab nak dengar elok-elok nama dia
Lepas tu rewind lagi untuk tersengih-sengih sendiri tengok ciptaan Tuhan
Rewind lagi balik untuk hadam apa dia cakap
Rewind lagi untuk sync semua maklumat tu
Hahahaha aku rasa cam bengong kejap sebab tiba-tiba tersengih-sengih 
Sambil menaip ni pun aku tersengih-sengih lagi 
Sebab fuhhh, lama dah tak tengok that kind of good looking guy
Semadi jak jaoh eh, kelaklah pindah Eropah
Bersepah muka camya tepi jalan kali hahahahaha

Kalau aku muatkan video lagu-lagu yang aku minat dalam ESC 2021 ni
Panjang sangat kang entri ni
Tapi aku just listkan je lah eh?
Korang boleh klik list dekat bawah kalau nak dengar

Anyway, congratulations to Italy for winning this year's Eurovision Song Contest
So next year we're going to the land of pizza and pasta 
Fuhh, agak berat ya tanggungjawab untuk kerajaan Itali
Harapnya adalah peruntukan untuk ESC 2022 
Can't wait!


  1. suka! lagu die semua best best

    1. Sama-sama kita tengok Junior Eurovision Song Contest bulan Disember nanti ya!

  2. Wah menarik pertandingan macam ni sebab melibatkan banyak negara...
