I'm Wa!

Welcome to my world of thoughts. Most of the time, I'm just talking to myself. Oh ya, I love foods so much and I hope I can share whatever it is that related to foods in here besides my thoughts. Thank you for visiting!


Sunday, April 11, 2021


Alhamdulillah, safely arrived at Miri Airport at 1959H, yesterday
The estimated time to arrive should be 2030H
Tapi entahlah kenapa laju sangat juruterbang tu bawa
Few seconds after we landed, a passenger behind my seat said, "Terok lalu landing nya eh"
This means our aircraft landed with not-so-smooth-landing

And there's my little brother not so little anymore
Brought me and my sister to have something to eat and munch before picking up our parents at Emart Riam
Don't ask me why my parents always had a thing with Emart Riam whenever anyone goes to the airport
Because I know as much as you guys 

Being home made me realize things that I took for granted
Empuknya tilam entah berapa inci tebalnya itu
Pendingin hawa yang boleh dipasang saat hari terasa bahangnya
Dapur yang setakat ini tempat letaknya masih sama
And every single thing in this house
Seems familiar, sounds familiar, everything that makes a house, a home

Well, mungkin sebab itulah ada sesetengah orang yang dah lama jauh dari rumah dan keluarga
Akan merasa rindunya pada apa yang ada dirumah milik keluarga
You know, sometimes it's not just the house
Sometimes it's the people in the house that makes you feel home-y

Misalnya kita balik ke rumah nenek kita
Tapi nenek dah arwah
It doesn't give off the same vibe as she was alive, right?

                 Sumber: Pinterest

Tak lama lagi Ramadhan bakal menjelang tiba
Dengan itu, aku nak ucapkan "Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan 1442H"
Semoga Ramadhan kali ini lebih baik dari sebelumnya

Marilah sama-sama kita berdoa agar wabak Covid-19 segara berlalu
Agar dipermudahkan segala urusan kita semuanya
Agar semua orang dapat mengubat rindu dengan orang yang tak dapat ditemui disebabkan wabak ini
Lagi sedih bila orang yang dirindu sudah tiada di dunia
Moga ditempatkan dalam kalangan orang yang beriman
