I'm Wa!

Welcome to my world of thoughts. Most of the time, I'm just talking to myself. Oh ya, I love foods so much and I hope I can share whatever it is that related to foods in here besides my thoughts. Thank you for visiting!

Maybe Not Now

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


actually I did write something else
but then I decided to keep it to myself
because of the recent case 
so this is not the right time
to share something like that
part of me reminds myself about 5th verse of ikrar kesatria

it's raining now and I'm struggling to keep myself warm
because I did turn the AC on
memanglah sejuk kan?

oh, sebenarnya aku nak share gambar
tapi entahlah kan
paranoid sangat
better be safe than sorry
orang zaman sekarang bukan boleh caya
so nanti-nantilah aku share
kalau aku rasa nak share

hey, it's Sushi Bonanza week!
and I did going twice already hahaha
tak lupa jugak, semalam birthday anak buah aku
dah setahun dia hidup
sabarlah nak, don't grow up so fast
nanti dah besar, nak jadi kecik balik

entah apa bendalah aku nak merapu tengah-tengah malam ni kat sini
dah lah
tak ada idea ni 
tido lagi bagus

