Sunday, February 23, 2014
#MyDay #MyLife
Saja aku nak buat entry dengan # (hashtag)
Tak boleh, eh?
Sukati aku lerr… :P
Sebenarnya aku bukan nak citer apa yang berlaku hari ini
Tapi aku nak citer apa yang aku rasa hari ni
So what?
Tak kisah, tak pe laa..
Saja nak citer..
Lately, aku rasa really alone
I mean, even I’m in the ocean of human
I still felt I’m all alone
Aku rasa kosong sangat!
Kadang-kadang aku ada juga terfikir
Mungkin dah sampai waktunya
Untuk aku back to HIM
Supaya aku tak rasa sepi dalam ramai
Tapi, aku degil!
Aku masih keras hati
Aku bukan nak menidakkan yang aku perlu kembali kepada
Tidak, sama sekali tidak!
Aku rasa aku belum cukup kuat untuk aku berubah
Niat untuk aku berubah tu memang dah lama wujud
Tapi untuk menzahirkannya…
ALLAH saja tahu betapa banyaknya aku perlu lalui
Antaranya, bila aku kenangkan family aku
Suddenly aku rasa sayu sangat
Rasa berdosa sangat
Rasa macam tak guna dilahirkan kalau sekadar menarik umi
& ayah aku ke Neraka
Rasa macam tak guna hidup kalau sekadar menyusahkan
Sometimes, I do feel that I miss all of them
I missed that time when our big family happily at home
ALLAH, I really missed that moment
But then again, I do realize that once the moment passed
They’ll never come back
Not even pay you a visit
Adakalanya, aku rindu sangat pada zaman itu
Zaman dimana aku begitu naïf tentang dunia
Bukan jahil, bukan juga bodoh sombong
Aku sedar dan tahu
Tetapi aku tidak punya kuasa untuk melawan
Dan aku hanya menurut dalam terpaksa
Tetapi bila direnung kembali
Itulah zaman yang banyak mengajar aku banyak perkara
As well as ijazah terbaik datangnya dari jalanan
I’m not saying that aku hidup di jalanan suatu ketika dahulu
Tapi boleh dikatakan begitulah…
Kadang-kadang aku rasa aku ni fake sangat dengan orang
Punya banyak mazmumah sampai sanggup menipu diri sendiri
Tapi tak semua benda yang kita tak suka, kita patut push
Siapa tahu, one fine day benda yang kita paling benci tu laa
yang mendatangkan manfaat pada kita
That’s why dalam Islam kita tak pernah diajar untuk terlalu
Whatever it is, I hope that I still have a chance
To become qurratul ain (penyejuk mata) for my parents
Insya ALLAH… let the time decides
Sekian, ampun maaf untuk segalanya
Phir milenge, chalte chalte
Monday, February 3, 2014
Happy Old Day
First entry of the year
And first entry after being 20
Happy old day to myself
Turning 20 yesterday
And I wish nothing but the best of the best
Truth be told, I want nothing
But big and happy family at home
That's all..
Mr. Ayahumi already bought Xperia ZR for me
Three months ago
Which I accepted it half-heartedly
As ZR was my second choice
Latest news about my ZR
I didn't switch it up today
On 11 January...
It started to show no signal
No more text, no more call
Just can play game
When I turn off the airplane mode
It will restarted by itself
I updated it's system on 1 February
As it requires computer
I install Sony PC Companion
After successfully update it's system
I tried to turn off the airplane mode
And suddenly my ZR restarted
Next thing was the worse
My ZR displayed nothing
Except my screen saver
And the one at the upper part
Other than that, nothing!
I felt so angry
But I don't know who to blame
So, I decided to ignore it
I assumed that the worst birthday gift ever!
I can't blame Sony
But, I really disappointed with them
Like seriously..
That's all
Happy Chinese New Year
And I wish this year could be the best for me
Aminn... Insya ALLAH..
Sorry for those crap
Phir milenge chalte chalte
Wassalam.. :)
First entry of the year
And first entry after being 20
Happy old day to myself
Turning 20 yesterday
And I wish nothing but the best of the best
Truth be told, I want nothing
But big and happy family at home
That's all..
Mr. Ayahumi already bought Xperia ZR for me
Three months ago
Which I accepted it half-heartedly
As ZR was my second choice
Latest news about my ZR
I didn't switch it up today
On 11 January...
It started to show no signal
No more text, no more call
Just can play game
When I turn off the airplane mode
It will restarted by itself
I updated it's system on 1 February
As it requires computer
I install Sony PC Companion
After successfully update it's system
I tried to turn off the airplane mode
And suddenly my ZR restarted
Next thing was the worse
My ZR displayed nothing
Except my screen saver
And the one at the upper part
Other than that, nothing!
I felt so angry
But I don't know who to blame
So, I decided to ignore it
I assumed that the worst birthday gift ever!
I can't blame Sony
But, I really disappointed with them
Like seriously..
That's all
Happy Chinese New Year
And I wish this year could be the best for me
Aminn... Insya ALLAH..
Sorry for those crap
Phir milenge chalte chalte
Wassalam.. :)
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The WA
Kerana dengan menulis itu adakalanya membuatkan dia berada di suatu dimensi yang tak terfikirkan. Dan segala apa yang tercatat disini hanyalah nukilan jiwa, bicara minda juga bisikan rasa yang pelbagai. Terima kasih kerana sudi membaca segala yang tertulis. Ampun maaf sekiranya komen anda kelihatan sepi sendiri.